Tuxites: Security - Logwatch and Auditing How -To

Thursday 26 January 2012

Security - Logwatch and Auditing How -To

Remote Logging continued ...

When a message is sent to syslog for logging, it is sent with a facility name (e.g. mail, auth ...) and a priority (e.g. debug, emerg ...).

Syslog's config file lines are directives which specifies a set of facility.priority pair and where to log it. Example -

kern.*                               /var/log/kern.log

It specify to log kernel messages of all the priority to /var/log/kern.log file.

guidelines -

1. Store every facility message to it's own log.
2. Restrict info stored in /var/log/messages to only the facilities auth and user
3. Store info of all unused facilities in /var/log/unused.log, it will indicate you in future if an unwanted service runs on your box.
4. For each logfile referred by syslog.conf and rsyslog.conf - 
    # touch LOGFILE
    # chown root:root LOGFILE
    # chmod 600 LOGFILE

Configure logwatch on your central logserver, edit /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf and make sure you have following parameters -

HostLimit = no             [Tells logwatch to report on all hosts, not just the one it's running]
SplitHosts = yes           [Separate entries by hostname, that is what we want]
MultiEmail = no            [On yes, each host info will be sent in separate email]
Service = -zz-disk_space  [not to run -zz-disk_space, you're on central one, that's why]

here since you're telling your logserver's logwatch not to report on free disk space and on configration of central logwatch, it is recommended to disable logwatch on clients [# rm /etc/cron.daily/0logwatch], in that case one of the workaround may be to configure cron to run df and send the output to syslog, now it will be reported to logserver. :)

Now you have properly configured logwatch, so let's take a look at auditing.
The audit service audits SELinux AVC denials, system logins, account modifications, auth events like sudo by default.

DoD requirements include to audit of Print, Startup, Shutdown, Date & Time of event, UserID that initiated the event, Type of event, Success or Failure, Origin of request (e.g. tty6) and for object introduced to user space or deletion the name of object, at least weekly backup on a different system, new audit logs are started daily, configuration is immutable (-e 2 will require a reboot to change any audit rule) & to ensure that data files have 640 or more restrictive permissions.

To ensure all processes can be audited, enable start auditing at boot time so that the processes can carry an "auditable" flag. do this -

kernel    /vmlinuz-version ro vga=ext root=/dev/vgx/lvy rhgb quiet audit=1

You know where to add this, if you don't, then ask me. :)

by default auditd retains 4 log files of size 5M a piece. That's a problem, so configure your auditd to log all the events of your interest then monitor  log files to see what file size would be required to have tha data for a period you want, and by following best practices you have to do this on a dedicated partition for /var/log/audit.

in /etc/audit/auditd.conf determine STOREMB

max_log_file = STOREMB

how to calculate the size of dedicated partition? simple, It should be larger than max_log_file x num_logs

other parameters to care of are

space_left_action = email
action_mail_acct = root
admin_space_left_action = halt
max_log_file_action = keep_logs

configure last parameter as stated if you don't want logrotate to discard the oldest log when logs reach max size.

now it's time to configure auditd rules, we can have this done by copying a prototype as audit.rules -

# cp /usr/share/doc/audit-version/stig.rules /etc/audit/audit.rules

now open audit.rules and comment out lines arch= which are not for your arch.

add following lines to record events that modify date and time information, setting ARCH to b32 or b64 as per your system -

-a always,exit -F arch=ARCH -S adjtimex -S settimeofday -S stime -K time-change
-a always,exit -F arch=ARCH -S clock_settime -K time-change
-w /etc/localtime -p wa -k time-change

now record events that modify user/group information

-w /etc/group -p wa -k identity
-w /etc/passwd -p wa -k identity
-w /etc/gshadow -p wa -k identity
-w /etc/shadow -p wa -k identity
-w /etc/security/opasswd -p wa -k identity

events that modify network environment -

-a exit,always -F arch=ARCH -S sethostname -S setdomainname -k system-locale
-w /etc/issue -p wa -k system-locale
-w /etc/issue.net -p wa -k system-locale
-w /etc/hosts -p wa -k system-locale
-w /etc/sysconfig/network -p wa -k system-locale

events that modify system's MAC -

-w /etc/selinux/ -p wa -k MAC-policy

events to alter logon and logout events -

-w /var/log/faillog -p -wa -k logins
-w /var/log/lastlog -p wa -k logins

events that alter Process and Session initiation info -

-w /var/run/utmp -p wa -k session
-w/var/log/btmp -p wa -k session
-w /var/log/wtmp -p wa -k session

did we forgot to record DAC events? okay, let's capture them too -

-a always,exit -F arch=ARCH -S chmod -S fchmod -S fchmodat -F auid>=500 -F auid!=4294967295 -k perm_mod
-a always,exit -F arch=ARCH -S chown -S fchown -S fchownat -S lchown -F auid>=500 -F auid!=4294967295 -k perm_mod
-a always,exit -F arch=ARCH -S setxattr -S lsetxattr -S fsetxattr -S removexattr -S lremovexattr -S fremovexattr -F auid>=500 -F auid!=4294967295 -k perm_mod

Unsuccessful events / unauthorized access attempts to files -

-a always,exit -F arch=ARCH -S creat -S open -S openat -S truncate -S ftruncate -F exit=-EACCES -F auid>=500 -F auid!=4294967295 -k access
-a always,exit -F arch=ARCH -S creat -S open -S openat -S truncate -S ftruncate -F exit=-EPERM -F auid>=500 -F auid!=4294967295 -k access

events of using privileged commands -

run following command for each local partition ABC to generate rule, one for each suid or sgid program and then add those lines to audit.rules -

# find ABC -xdev \( -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 \) -type f | awk '{print "-a always,exit -F path=" $1" -F perm=x -Fauid>=500 -F auid!=4294967295 -k privileged" }'

Media exportation events -

-a always,exit -F arch=ARCH -S mount -F auid>=500 -F auid!=4294967295 -k export

File deletion events by uses -

-a always,exit -F arch=ARCH -S unlink -S unlinkat -S rename -S renameat -F auid>=500 -F auid!=4294967295 -k delete

Sysadmin actions & kernel module loading / unloading -

-w /etc/sudoers -p wa -k actions
-w /sbin/insmod -p x -k modules
-w /sbin/rmmod -p x -k modules
-w /sbin/modprobe -p x -k modules
-a always,exit -F arch=ARCH -S init_module -S delete_module -k modules

it's done. Now spend some time on aureport(8) man page so that you can design a short series of audit reporting commands for audit logs on a frequency chosen by you.

To generate daily report of every user login -

# aureport -l -i -ts yesterday -te today

Review all audited activity for unusual behaviour by looking a summary of which audit rules are being triggered -

# aureport --key --summary

On access violations stand out -

# ausearch --key access --raw | aureport --file --summary

What executables are doing -

# ausearch --key access --raw | aureport -x --summary

On access violations on /path/to/file, determine -

# ausearch --key access --file /etc/shadow --raw | aureport --user --summary -i

Device changed to promiscuous mode, processes ending abnormally, login failure limits being reached and other anomalous activities -

# aureport --anamoly

... that's enough on logwatch and auditing. Configure it and stay tuned to my blog.

Reference: NSA guidelines

Visit my other blog space here - http://baaharkibaat.blogspot.com

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